Aspire Global Goes Private in NeoGames Acquisition


Gaming firm, Aspire Global, is transitioning to private ownership following the acquisition of a controlling interest by fellow gaming entity, NeoGames.

NeoGames presently possesses approximately 98.25% of Aspire’s equity and is undertaking steps to procure the outstanding shares. Consequently, Aspire has formally requested the removal of its stock from the Nasdaq First North Premier exchange.

The precise date for the delisting of Aspire’s stock remains uncertain, but it is anticipated to transpire in the near future.

NeoGames’ initial proposition to purchase Aspire was valued at approximately $500-600 million back in January 2022. The transaction has already received the necessary approvals from regulatory bodies in Gibraltar and North Macedonia.

While Aspire will be integrated into the NeoGames group, it will maintain its autonomous operations under the leadership of its current Chief Executive Officer, Tshashi Maimon. Maimon will also assume the position of President within the NeoGames organization.

During his address in the first month of 2022, Mamoun conveyed a firm belief in the harmonious potential of the two corporations. He underscored their past cooperative endeavors, pointing to a deeply rooted shared ethos that he felt would result in substantial combined benefits and elevated earnings.

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